Is there any way I can get (specifically) a PASMO anywhere in Tokyo?

I live in Nagoya and collect all the various transportation IC cards. I’m in Tokyo this weekend visiting a friend and was hoping to get a PASMO for my collection of 45+ other IC cards from across the country.

I know sales have been suspended, but the regular green Suica (not just Welcome Suica) is now available again *for foreigners only* with a passport, and I was hoping something similar might be the case at some specific Tokyo Metro office or info center for PASMO as well. The situation is rapidly updating and most new information about card availability is not posted online.

There was also previously a “loophole” of sorts where you could get a PASMO by choosing the “Value ticket > Customers using discount tickets with PASMO” options on a ticket machine, which would issue you a new card, but it seems this has since been removed, at least on the one machine I tried last night.

I already have a PASMO PASSPORT; this is about the standard, silver PASMO design with the pink vehicles & text on it.

Thank you for any leads or info anyone might have!

Update: Got one. If you buy the 東京フリーきっぷ (“Tokyo 1-Day Ticket”) from a Toei Subway ticket machine, a new PASMO can be issued 🙂

by frozenpandaman

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