Dubious legality of job conditions

Hello everyone, I have some questions about things some friends have told me regarding job clauses that I think are not legal. But so far haven’t found good translations… If anyone knows something or where can I investigate, I’d be thankful.

1. A friend just started working as a part-time cleaning staff at a capsule hotel. She says she’s “forced” to work for at least two months, or else they’ll pay her only half of what she worked.
I’d say this is illegal, since it seems to fit into the category of coercion.
2. Another friend told me (at my current hotel job) that if we make any mistake like not folding correctly a towel, they’ll deduct from our salary as a penalty. Also if we don’t finish a certain amount of work after 4.5 hours, they won’t pay us that day.

All this situations seem illegal, even if the employers state this on paper or sends an email explaining these conditions.

Ps. Sorry for the bad formatting 🙂 I’m on mobile

by tedehojas

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