Questions From a Young American

Hello everyone, ive just got some quick questions to ask regarding me, a 17 year old male, moving to Japan. Just for some quick background, as i said im 17 years old but i am not currently going to school and am in the process of applying to jobs daily. Due to some personal problems i had to drop out of high school and was unable to do online school. Just for some more quick background, ive been interested in japan for years, having studied and read up on the culture and things like that since i was around 13 years old, but i only picked up learning the language 13 days ago (anki, ajatt, etc).

As for my questions, i’ll get into those now. As i mentioned, i dropped out of highschool. I do plan to get my GED when i turn 18, but i was wondering if i could get a bachelors degree with said GED, mainly online, due to the aforementioned personal problems. I ran a couple quick google seaches and was told that *most* colleges accept GED’s, but im not too sure about how that works with online schooling. Also, i plan to go to college to become a professor.

My next quesion is, would an associates degree let me get a visa? Im aware that mainly everyone in this sub says that you need a bachelors, which is absolutely okay, im just curious.

As for my last question, this one might seem obvious but im a little curious. Should i spend some money (when i get a job) on a trip to japan before i really decide to fully dedicate a large portion of time to being able to move there? afaik you are able to visit japan for up to 3 months with just a passport. Of course, i could just do though as a way to further help my studies and familiarize me with the culture, but is this a recommened thing to do to make sure the japan in my head is actually japan, if that makes sense.

Thanks in advance

by avidyya

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