Why does Japan get a pass for being extremely right wing? I’ve lived in Tokyo for 7 years and my extreme leftists friends never make a peep about Japanese politics.

I work in the video game industry and many of my friends are people who came to Japan from the US or western Europe. These people are typically extremely left wing, anti-Trump, pro-LGBTQAI, etc etc. This is actually quite normal in the field of video games/entertainment.

They are extremely outspoken about right wing politics, not just in their home countries, but all over the world… EXCEPT in Japan. Not only do they not seem to notice how right wing Japan is, how traditional it is, but they seem to embrace it.

I truly do not understand this. For example, one of my co-workers isn’t speaking to her father because he’s a Trump supporter and thinks that America should seal our boarders against the floods of illegals coming in through the south. I asked (in a very non-triggering way) what she thought about Japan’s policies on this, which are the strictest in the world, and she dead-pan responded “Well Japan has to because too many people want to come and live here and it would ruin Japan.”

Uhhhhhhh….. ok??? I seriously cannot wrap my head around this. Another one of my friend’s is gay, and constantly makes posts about how conservatives in America are trying to bring us back to the 1800s and killing trans folk, etc etc. Does he not understand that gay marriage ISN’T EVEN LEGAL IN JAPAN YET??? I’ve never heard him say a single thing about the issue in Japan, yet have listened to him rant and rage for hours about conservatives in America.

Can someone explain this phenomenon to me? Do people just put on rose colored glasses when they enter Japan?

by FlatEarthworms

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