Man mistakenly sent 46.3 mil. yen in COVID funds gambles it all away

Man mistakenly sent 46.3 mil. yen in COVID funds gambles it all away

  1. Golden screenplay opportunity here: The town degenerate wakes up broke and hungover as usual only to find millions of yen have suddenly appeared in his bank account. Hijinks ensue as he spends it all on an epic bender of pachinko and hostess clubs, followed by a scramble to escape punishment.

  2. > On April 6, after procedures to transfer 100,000 yen in COVID-19 relief money to each of the 463 low-income households in Abu had been completed, a town official mistakenly submitted a single transfer request to a financial institution for 46.3 million yen for the man whose name was at the top of the list.

    It seems that until a suitable scapegoat is identified, the blame is oscillating between the town’s government and their bank.

    If it was truly an impressive fuckup, then it would appear to be a consequence of people being too scared shitless of using their initiative, and piping up when something is obviously awry.

    Surely a whole chain of people looked at this as it worked its way through the bowels of bureaucracy like a hardened stool, but nobody seemed to think it strange that everyone on that infamous list had a zero payment value on their order, except for the dork at the top?

    This is an incompetent management problem.

    But it’s definitely the fault of whichever OL whacked `ENTER`, once the mulling is complete.

  3. So you’re saying that living in Japan is like having constipation. So that’s why a lot people look like they’re walking around with something up their a-hole. Makes sense.

    Edit: meant as a reply to tannerleaf.

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