Reason for being out of the country for > 1 year. 5 year re entry (recent permanent resident)

I was very happy to get the acceptance slip in the mail last week (processing time was 5 months in case anyone is interested – Osaka). The timing was good, as my contract finishes in April and I will be able to provide a reasonable amount of notice – should I decide to pull the trigger and not renew.

I have a bunch of reasons for potentially leaving the country for over a year (spending time in my home country with friends/family, traveling, as well as a potential job offer in another country, likely for a couple of years).

I’m just wondering if I need to be careful with my reasons when applying at immigration? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone being rejected, though I’m guessing it happens (?). I’m not sure if taking a work opportunity outside of the country would be considered acceptable or not, so maybe ‘an aging parent’ might be the better focus.


by sbring

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