Websites to buy hard to find ingredients (especially international food)

After moving to Japan, a common issue many of us who cook have is finding ingredients that we are used to cooking with back home. Obviously, it’s best to just learn to cook with local ingredients, since they will be cheapest and easy to get, but sometimes you find yourself craving something and have no way to make it!

For that reason, I’ve compiled a list of sites where you can order hard to find ingredients from. I haven’t ordered from the majority of these, so I can’t vouch to the quality of many of them, but I hope this list can be useful to others!

The list is loosely sorted by categories of the primary type/cuisine, but a lot of these also have food beyond the category listed. **I’m sure I’ve missed a number of sites! If you know of any other sites that you think should be added, or I have a site incorrectly categorized, please let me know in the comments and I’ll update this list!**


# Ingredients by type:



[]( (Portuguese)













**Hot Sauce:**




# International ingredients by region:

**General International:**




**South American:**










~~britishcornershop~~ <- No longer exists

















**Middle East:**







**Sri Lanka:**










[]( (Text is Indonesian)



by malioswift

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