Japan PM Kishida tests positive for COVID-19, symptoms mild: gov’t

Japan PM Kishida tests positive for COVID-19, symptoms mild: gov’t


  1. Even the PM. He will be okay I think. So will this slow down or fasten a potential opening?

    Good thing they will start the subsidized travel program for nationals in Tokyo from September 1st to curb this wave whilst still being closed off for other travelers. /s

  2. COVID is inescapable for many, and the experience of the rich and powerful with regards to treatment and any after-effects/aftercare should not be used as a measuring stick for how the majority of the population will be impacted by an infection, not to forget repeated infections, which are a distinct possibility with newer variants.

    If any relaxation of measures is called for just because the PM gets it and “does fine”, that person making the call ought to be tarred and feathered.

  3. I wonder whether the party gave him permission to catch covid. Or is he acting by his own volition for once?

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