Advice on my secondement offer in Tokyo

Hello All, my firm has just offered me to spend a year in Tokyo on a voluntary basis. They would just pay for the relocation cost and convert my existing salary (HKD) to JPY so there is no particular financial benefit (they won’t pay my accommodation in Tokyo for example).

I understand this is a very good salary in Japan. However after doing some investment and optimization I currently pay about 5 to 7%.

My federal taxes in Japan would be 20%, do I need to add 6% municipal taxes on top of it ?

My main question would be, if I’m looking at paying 20% more taxes in Tokyo, is the cost of living 20% lower than in Hong Kong ? (For those who have an idea ?) Online info seems to point that Tokyo is cheaper than Hong Kong but it’s hard to tell how accurate it is .

Rent is my main expense at the moment, would I be able to get for 200k yen ? Size wise and good enough location on red, green, purple, light and dark blue lines ? In hongkong that would be enough for a subdivided 15sqm in the center or a room in a bigger shared apt also in the center, same in Tokyo ?

Appreciate your help!

by 2035WillBeGreat

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