Part time job

Hello everyone, I don’t know if I can ask this, but it’s been 2 months and a half that I came to osaka as a language student, I’ve been trying to find a part time job with my limited japanese, I did a lot of interviews which I thought did well knowing that I understood and could actually answer propertly but couldn’t get the jobs. the only jobs I can do apparently are hotel cleaning jobs but because of school schedule which is from 13:00 to 17:00, I can’t get those. I’m trying to improve my japanese but I’m getting really desperate and out of budget. so If someone can help me out I would really appreciate it .

I can speak french, english and arabic if this can help, my japanese is around N5 level I would say or even less.

by Genius6754

  1. Maybe you shud try other hotel jobs? Logically hotel cleanings shud be done in early morning when lots of guest go out for breakfast or early check out.

    I got lots of hotel and building cleaning jobs that start from early morning like 7 am then finish around 11-12, then I could go to school with the same schedule as yours (got the same hours for almost 1 year) then starting from around 6 sometimes I will go to other baito.

    Maybe try to contact agents like Yolo Japan, most of the staff can speak english and help you find jobs that suits your japanese level, or ask your language school to introduce you some easy jobs for very beginner japanese level.

  2. You should ask your school for help! A lot of schools help their students get a job. They often have some connections or might give you a job at the school

  3. I work at hotel from 8-12 in the morning before , try looking on baitoru. And maybe try izakaya, I’m working from 6 till last 👍

  4. All my friends worked at bars in Namba and some of them were not that good at speaking Japanese. Plus, I don’t think it will be too hard to find bars and restaurants in Osaka owned and operated by Australians. You could start with “The Hearth Board Game Bar and Café. ザ・ハース ボードゲームバーとカフェ” ( I THINK I went to this place before when they first opened up. The owners were these big-bearded fun-loving Australians); and Craft Burger Co. (Australians or New Zealanders own this place too, I think)–BTW best burger I had in Japan.

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