What are the opportunities for Game Development in Japan?

I am a final year student at a University in Pakistan. In 2025 January I’ll have graduated and will probably be looking for either masters or a Job. My Degree is Computer Sciences.

I’ve always wanted to work in Game Development and Design so I’ve always leaned towards that side in my degree. However, now that my university is coming to an end in a year. I’ve been looking for options for Game Development related jobs outside of Pakistan.

Truth to be told, I don’t think Pakistan is working out. Every year more and more educated as well as uneducated people flee from the country as situations worsen. This leads to less people of skill here and also leaves less opportunities for me as the go-to thing to do is apply for a job outside of the country or get into a Master Program.

Hence, I’ve wanted to ask what my opportunities are in Japan with Game Development or even other Computer Science fields. I’m looking for the scope of getting a job there and more importantly a masters degree.

As of right now I don’t know any Japanese. If the situation is feasible then I can begin to learn. Japan is on the preferred list of my countries to move to because I am naturally very quiet and don’t engage in social interactions. It’s because of their quite culture I am keen to go there.

Tldr: I’m looking for Masters in Game Dev or other related Computer Science fields and then potentially looking forward to getting a job there.

by LeMandarin08

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