WHV from UK: questions on unemployment and real money thresholds

Hi y’all,

To put it blunt, and for reasons I don’t want to disclose, I’ve got nothing to lose. Living in Japan for a while is something I’ve always wanted to do, and I’m turning 30 this summer so aware the window of time for me being able to apply for a WHV is getting smaller, so I’m trying to make it happen this year. I’ve done a fair amount of research but a couple of things that I haven’t come across or have found conflicting info on that I was hoping someone else could help me with:

* I’ve been unemployed for nearly a year now, and my CV has some gaps but is mostly at one company. I’m looking for work right now so it should be resolved by the time I apply. Is me being long-ish-term unemployed to be an issue with applying for a visa?
* The money needed situation seems vague. Embassy say £2,500, most people say that’s outdated and you need way more like £5k+, some people say you need £10k+. What’s the real tea? Funds are obviously limited as I stand right now but I’ve got £5k inheritance coming, and more offered from a family member if I need it. If I can get together £8-10k maybe, would that be enough (to get the visa)? I’m kinda not worried about what happens after that, just more worried about getting the damn visa.
* On the same note I’ve read that if you have no money and then all of a sudden have a transfer days before you apply giving you enough to qualify for visa it looks sus and is likely to get you rejected – any colloquial experience as to whether that’s true or not? I’m planning to land a job (here, in the UK), then accept the money from family so I’m 1.) earning money 2.) have the money already in account, then wait the 3 months for statements to apply, with hopes to apply in June/July if it all goes well.

Thank you for your time and pre-emptively thank you for your help.

by nippondaibouken

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