Old guy following gaijin in metro

Something weird happened to me tonight.
I was near Ikebukuro in the subway station minding my own business when I feel someone following me.
Not a biggie, I usually don’t mind at all but we were almost alone in the alleyway and I could feel the guy was awkwardly close.

So I do the usual movement I turn left and back up to the opposite direction pretending I took a wrong direction just to avoid having this awkward proximity. Then I see the guy who also stops.

Probably just a coincidence so I continue with my initial itinerary and then I could SEE the guy literally following me again to the point I could feel his breath on my back.

So I just stop, look straight at he guy, who also stops and goes to a corner and we look at each others for a few seconds without saying anything (I had my headset on). Just an old Japanese guy with a uniqlo bag, the usual ojiisan you’ll see everywhere.

Then I walk toward the gate to warn the metro personnel that this guy is weird and he just walk off to the exit like nothing happen.

At the end, no one was at the ticket booth so I couldn’t tell anyone but that’s the first time this happened to me and I was really puzzled.

I understand there is a lot of weirdo in Japan and in the rest of the world and if I were a small gaijin woman I could somewhat say this guy is just a perv but I’m a 190cm 105kg white guy so this leaves me ever more confused.

Anyone got a similar experience ?

by No_Entertainment8093

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