JET Program placement

I got into a serious relationship with someone who lives in Japan and have plans to marry her, but did not mention it in my application, not taking into account that it could have an effect on my placement. I did say that I had a medical condition that would make placing me in cold regions pretty difficult, though. I very much want to be in the same prefecture and city as my SO.

Edit: according this this one [useful video]( (14 min mark or so), Early Departure people have less of a chance at getting their placement requests, due to them primarily filling in at places with a lack of ALTs (former ALTs breaking contract, etc). I am ED, but I remain hopeful.

Does anyone else have or had a similar situation as me? It would be very unfortunate to be sent somewhere else.

Edit 2: Made sure to mention it in my interview. They still asked me the “what if you dont get placed there?” question and I answered as best I could and honestly. I will remain hopeful

by something_once

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