Osaka eyes collecting fixed fee for inbound tourists from 2025

Osaka eyes collecting fixed fee for inbound tourists from 2025

by duke7ajm

  1. Having your entire tourism industry depend on 20 something weebs who haven’t been jaded yet? It’s a good move cotton, let’s see if it works for em

  2. As long as it targets only tourists and not foreign residents it’s fine. I’d love to see a large enough tax on Chinese tourists to discourage them from coming here to buy and resell OTC meds. Removing the tax free scheme seems logical.

  3. Honestly maybe Kyoto should try this. Since they’re always bitching about foreign tourists

  4. The national govt should charge $500 for a tourist visa. Problem solved.

  5. Spent hundreds in Osaka alone whist we were visiting. Same for Kyoto. Surely tourism should be encouraged as it already helps the local economy.

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