I want to move to Japan, with my family from Central America.


I live in Central America, 35, and married. I work for an international B2B Telecommunications company and manage their only support unit for all data clientes (internet) worldwide. My wife is 37 (lawyer and notary) but works for a Software company, managing an order processing team for several of their products (both companies are US based). My oldest daughter just finished her first year of college studying Psychology.

We have 3 kids (20, 9, and 6).Both of us have 100% remote jobs making $8k/mo combined (2.2 million yen approx monthly). My English is native, my wife’s advanced. My oldest daughter just passed the TOEFL.

What are my options to move to Japan and stay permanently and legally with my family?

I just want my kids to have a better future than what my country can provide them with. I would appreciate any feedback, ideas, pointers, suggestions, you catch my drift…


by drpch

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