I will be moving to Tokyo to study a masters at Sophia University in 5 weeks, I am looking for a place to stay. Could I get some advice?

Hello, Please could you help me out, I will be moving to Japan somewhere between the 19th-21st of March. I will be studying my degree at Sophia University: **Yotsuya Station.**

I am currently looking for a place to stay. Ideally I would like a shorter commute time to Uni, A lively atmosphere to explore, And slightly cheaper rent.

**My budget;** for the next 10 months of living without supplementing my income would be about 140k to 150k.

I plan to work roughly 10-20 hours a week to supplement my living. and apply for scholarships during my degree.

**Research:** Currently I have researched Nakano-Ku, and quite like the idea of this area, seems to have cheaper living cost whilst having a lot to offer currently my top choice.

**Current plan:** Find a share house or temporary place to stay for the first 1-2 months settle in. During this time try and find an apartment for longer term use.

I have been recommended Bunkyo Ku, Setagaya Ku. Would there be other Districts to consider?

Would I be able to live here/ other wards with my budget covering rent, utilities and food and Travel (student commuter pass)?

What would you recommend for finding shorter stay placed within the next 5 weeks?

Would there be anything you typically consider when choosing a place to live?

Thank you for reading this far and your time. 🙂

by Zealousideal_Buddy12

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