Refreshing my Japanese in preparation for a trip to Japan

Back in high school I studied Japanese for 4 years. It went pretty well – I forget if I was at N4 or N3 by the end but it was one of those two. I had been supposed to go on a trip with my school where I’d stay with a host family and do a lot of cool stuff with my classmates but unfortunately, a certain worldwide pandemic came along and messed up those plans.


4 years later I’m about to graduate college. Me and my sister have planned a trip to Japan this summer and are both very excited. I know Japanese fluency isn’t necessary to be a tourist in Japan, plenty of people go there without knowing a word and have a great time, but I hope my knowledge of the language will help enhance me and my sister’s experience. The only issue is that I basically stopped studying Japanese after high school – I’ve continued to watch anime and engage with Japanese culture online so my knowledge hasn’t completely atrophied – I still remember basics and I’m sure the deeper knowledge I accumulated in high school is in my mind somewhere, it just needs to be brought back to the surface.

My core question is what you guys would recommend I focus on reviewing? What do you all consider the most useful Japanese for tourist purposes. And are there any resources you would recommend I utilize to refresh my memory?

by Nozogod

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