thoughts on the global title match?

first and foremost congrats to nic nemeth on winning the global championship. this post is not to take anything away from him. however i do somewhat question the decision considering the fact that this was david finlay’s first title defense and he lost. remember he’s just now coming off a 65 minute war with will ospreay and the united empire who put bullet club war dogs over big time so wouldn’t you think that finlay should retain at least on the first defense considering the fact that the result of the steel cage match would a make or break for the war dogs in the near future? also nemeth mentioned that if he had lost the match he would’ve retired so that’s also something to take note of and i doubt that NJPW would actually let him defend the belt “all over the world” as he claimed considering the historical time gap the world champion defends his title (a perfect example being okada defending the heavyweight title successfully 12 over the span of 3 years) not to mention gedo’s very questionable booking decisions. what does this mean for the war dogs moving forward? what are your thoughts on this?

by JustNuttinAndGoin

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