1 year working holiday visa. where to stay in Osaka?

I’m going to Osaka in mid-May, but I haven’t arranged any accommodation yet. My plans are to find a place in Osaka, and rent it out for the entire year, even though I may not *be* there the entire year. I have plenty of money saved up to be able to afford at least better-than-average housing, but would rather not spend more than I have to.

What I can’t seem to decide on is whether I should stick to a sharehouse, or try and rent an apartment. I’ve heard and read plenty of horror stories on share houses (mainly of lackluster cleaning crews and people being animals), but on the other hand it would make making some friends who can help me adjust a bit to Japanese life a lot easier.

Apartments on the other hand offer the space and privacy I would love, but tend to be more expensive, and more importantly, **unfurnished**, meaning I’d have to arrange a full set of furniture. Apartments closer to the city’s center also skyrocket in price further! I’m just not sure if it’s a good idea, or easy to arrange with foreign payment options.

Are there any other options I’m not aware of? Airbnb for a whole year is way too expensive, and I’m not partial to the idea of having sharing a bedroom with strangers. I need at least a bit of privacy.

If anyone has experiences (both good and bad) with either of these, I would love to hear the story! Thanks for reading

Here’s a bonus question if you’re still reading:
Is it *crucial* that I have filled in the place where I’ll be staying *correctly*? Or could I theoretically, you know, lie? (I may not know exactly where I’ll stay by the time I hand in the application)

by TheHentiger

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