Child naming quandary

So I’ve read through a few posts from before and don’t think I’m in exactly the same situation, hence my request for help here.

Self: Male citizen of country that doesn’t recognize dual citizenships
Wife: Japanese national

We both got married in a third country and while my name’s on her koseki each of us kept our surnames.

Our child will be born soon in said third country, and we’d like to register the child for both our citizenships so they can choose it as an adult.

I read in some very old posts that as we kept our surnames, the only way to register the kid as a Japanese national would be to fill in the form under my wife’s surname. Is this still the case?

Can I not fill in my surname in katakana in the form, since the child’s name on the birth certificate will not contain my wife’s name?

Some posts have encouraged registering our child under separate surnames (mine for my country’s; my wife’s for Japan’s), that is, giving the child two identities.

While I think this would be ideal, I can imagine a situation where kid flies from my country to Japan or the other way round, and has a boarding pass with a name that doesn’t match the one in the passport used to enter the other country.

How have those who did this make things work?

Any tips or accounts from personal experience would be appreciated. Thanks.

1 comment
  1. You first register your kid’s name under your wife’s koseki. Then you go to city ball and request a change which should be easily granted.

    I did that for my kid and his mum and I are not even married

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