Okinawa Haunting: The Beginning

I’ve lived here a long time. I have a lot of stories to tell. This will be the first in a series of first-hand “paranormal” experiences I’ve had here. Story 1 (this one) will shed light on why there are many stories. I’m bringing this to the Okinawa sub because it’s Okinawa-specific. There are many people searching for this kind of thing from Okinawa, and to put them on “Ghost” or “Paranormal” subs would only ensure they get lost in the noise of the ridiculousness that abounds in those places, not that many will also discount my experiences as ridiculousness 😉

You had to be there.

I say “paranormal” experiences because I don’t necessarily believe in “ghosts” as the embodiment of a dead person, although that seems to be the case in some of the stories I will tell. Sometimes, things are…different. Downright mean. And sometimes they follow you home…

It was September of 1984. I was 15 and a Junior in high school. We had just moved into a new (to us) house in Shimabuku, Kitanakagusuku.

I don’t know the time, only that I was dead-asleep. My bedroom was at the southeast, rear of the house, farthest from the street, my bed facing north-south, and up against the west wall. I believe my head was facing the south…but it was a long time ago. I was sleeping facing the wall, with a window above me.

I dreamed of the sound of a jet-engine behind me, winding up and up. Louder and louder until it was absolutely screaming. And then, it moved through me from my back and moving out my front. A shocking chill that’s not possible to put into words.

I was now WIDE AWAKE…and the “jet engine” was behind me again, “idling.” I was way too terrified to move, to pull the covers over my head, or do anything. I just lay there, frozen. Not in a state of physical paralysis, just too afraid to move.

The “engine” started to wind up again, reaching an absolute shriek…and then, it moved through me again; back-to-front, same as before. My eyes were wide open, but I didn’t see anything but the barely perceptible white wall in the inky-dark room.

Then it was gone.

How do I know I didn’t dream the whole thing? Because I lay there with my eyes open, no chance of sleep, until light started to come into the room from the dawn. No idea how long that was, but I had a lot of time to think. I got up the next morning, said nothing about it to anyone, and went off to school. Even today, when memories from forty years past are well faded and sometimes gone, this one is just as vivid as the night it happened.

Instead of being terrified, I was fascinated. It was my first brush with the real paranormal, and I was hooked. I didn’t know what it was, but it was real, and I was determined to dig. Nothing paranormal ever happened in that house again.

What happened next was decades of hunting the paranormal. Literally HUNDREDS of nights spent in the old Nakagusuku haunted hotel. Sitting. Listening. Waiting. Visiting any place rumored to be haunted. There was never “ghost hunting” equipment. I was there for the “six-senses” experience. Yea, six. Sometimes…you see dead people.

I’ve seen a million things that can be explained away with a rational explanation, and those things I always discount. If it has a rational explanation, then it must be discounted, even if paranormal is highly suspected. I’ll recount the stories that have no rational explanation. Some people will say “yea, but.” Well, yea, but…you had to be there to really understand; to understand what can be discounted, and what can’t.

I’ll also say that when you spend enough time looking, sometimes things look back. It’s not always benign, and as I said above, sometimes downright mean, and sometimes it follows you home.

In closing, there are other people in many of these stories, and someone may recognize me from what I write here. I ask that should that be the case, please respect my anonymity.


by BlackandGreyDog

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