Trying to find a specific indoor market

Apologies for posting here instead of the travel sub, but unfortunately this is something I think only a resident would know.

I visited Kyoto a decade ago and had a traditional lunch at a small indoor shopping arcade that was NOT Nishiki. It was much older and quieter, clearly more for locals than tourists. Similar to Pike Place Market in Seattle. There might’ve been stands outside selling fruits and vegetables too, but it was so long ago that my memories are hazy.

Hard to tell exactly what part of the city, but think it was either the north or east side.

Thanks for reading, and any suggestions, no matter how long shot, would be greatly appreciated. Been trying to find this market on Google Maps ever since with no luck.

Edit – some more details. It was a single walkway with shops and restaurants on either side. Not modern. Ground floor or slightly below ground. Restaurant served bento box type food and I believe I had saba with rice.

by warmgoodhero

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