How do you study new vocab in Anki?

in particular, I recently heard someone say that “repeating/writing the same new word over and over can make it lose it’s meaning, and it will be harder to remember that word.”

the way I study a new vocab is by looking at the word, playing the word’s isolated audio clip a couple times, then reading the word either out loud or in my head about ten to twenty times, then listening to the example sentence audio to test if I can understand it without looking.

should I not repeat the word to myself so many times? although I feel like my retention rate is pretty high, hearing someone talk about repetition like this made me kind of self-conscious about how I study, so i’m curious to know what other people think/do.

1 comment
  1. I wouldn’t use Anki strictly for vocabulary, but that’s me. Words only become alive when they are used within sentences. This is especially true for Japanese, where context dictates the correct use of words.

    A much better use of your time: read manga in the original language, especially manga targeted for teenagers as they have furigana. Or even without furigana if you have a good electronic dictionary where you can input handwritten kanji. You’ll learn the most common kanji in no time.

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