Resource Request: Learning Vocabulary from Audio

Hello everyone, I am wondering if a resource for learning and reinforcing vocabulary exists. I am imagining something that introduces the word with the English translation, then uses the word in a n+1 sentence (where the new word is the +1) with an English translation afterwards and slowly builds up. That way it can be used as a pseudo flash card. I understand something like this may not exist, but if there is something close to this please let me know.

I know JapanesePod101 and Pimsleur exist, but I find JapanesePod101 to have too much filler and Pimsleur is a bit slow and also doesn’t cover a whole lot of vocabulary. I have a decent grasp of grammar, so that element does not need to exist.

Thanks in advance!

1 comment
  1. So there is this youtube channel called Sakura Tips.

    Each day it’s about something different. Yesterday’s topic was: 慣れ (being used to something)

    And then she will talk about what that is for a while and you can learn that word.

    Maybe that’s what you had in mind?

    Well here you can try it

    Tell me what you think. I don’t really learn vocab from listening but from books, but I think this would maybe work…

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