Advice on taxes

Hello all.
Right, I’ll preface this by saying I am financially illiterate. I get the savings, budgeting and all that, but that is as far as I go. I’m afraid you’ll have to break it down Barney style, short word’s basically.

The short and tall is that I inherited around £45,000. I’m investing it in the UK, and have that side covered, however how the hell do I go about paying tax on the damn thing. I’m guessing I pay tax on the UK side but how do I tell the Japanese side so I either get in trouble or pay tax twice.
Bonus question I was hoping to transfer £5,000 over so I could pick up a motor. I’m guessing there’s a tax I need to pay on that?

Is this something that’s simpler than it looks or shall I go see a tax lawyer/accountant? I just want the least stressful way.

by Dastardly6

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