Hello, We’re heading to Japan in a couple weeks, and one of the things on my bucket list is a high-end omakase experience. The problem is my husband is not able to eat sushi/sashimi (loves it though) or anything with raw eggs. He’s not big on fried food, French food, and has to be careful with steak that’s cooked too rare. (medium is ok)
The omakase dinner I plan on booking is in Kyoto. I want him to have his own amazing experience so he doesn’t feel like he’s missing out by not having the omakase with me, plus I don’t eat any meat other than seafood so it’s a good opportunity for him to get stuff I won’t eat.
I’d love recommendations for any cuisine styles to look for (beyond ramen, tonkatsu, etc…) or specific restaurants that would be as memorable as a higher-end omakase meal. Most kaiseki meals seem to include a lot of sashimi so I don’t think that’s an option. Knowing him he’d be happy with 7/11 and vending machine food lol, but I’d like to treat him to something fab instead. 20,000 – 40,000 yen range.
Thank you!!
by Nietzsches-Whore