Matsumoto – Kamikochi – Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

Hi all, as part of my trip in late May, I am taking 5 days to see Matsumoto, Kamikochi, and complete the Tateyama Kuroba Alpine route with eventual arrival at Kanazawa. I appreciate any insight about my plan and the time I’m spending in each place. Are there hikes or things I should definitely do? I am looking to do 10-15 miles a day hiking but I’m not looking to scale mountains beyond 2,500 ft elevation gain (could be convinced to do 3,500). Also any suggestions for vegetarian fare along the way is appreciated though I will also be using HappyCow and am flexible as I’m slightly omnivorous (poultry ok).

Day 1: Arrive early afternoon Matsumoto, leave stuff at hotel, go see Matsumoto-Jo, eat some soba somewhere

Day 2: Early bus from Matsumoto to Kamikochi. Do some hiking, picnic somewhere, stay at Konashidaira campground cabin.

Day 3: Full day hiking in Kamikochi. Stay second night, hopefully get a good dinner

Day 4: AM any remaining sighting in Kamikochi, catching bus out back to Matsumoto by early PM. Stay Matsumoto

Day 5: Early AM train to Shinano-Omachi to begin Tateyama Kuroba Alpine Route, take full day for route, landing at Toyama and then taking train to arrive evening in Kanazawa

I am planning to store luggage in Matsumoto for lighter travel with just a backpack into Kamikochi. I’m wondering if I am spending too long in Kamikochi and whether it’s worth it to try to make a side trip to Shin-Hotaka ropeway. It looked like the bus schedule would make the ropeway a little too onerous to get to but I appreciate your insight and experience.

by taoleafy

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