High School Senior Year in Japan?

First off some backround: I am currently completing my junior year of high school at the community college. My community college offers online school which allows me to complete high school and college from anywhere in the world.

I had to move with my family to a different state so I stopped seeing my friends in person and I have not made many close friends in my new city.

It feels like I wouldn’t be leaving much behind other than my immediate family which I would visit probably every 3-4 months.

Constantly seeing the depths of american society with fentanyl and shootings since I was little has made me want to get out.

But mainly, I just want to get out and have novel life experiences while I am young and still can. And I really like tokyo after having stayed there (on vacation) for about a week.

Also, I’ve saved up around $20k and this doesn’t go very far for living expenses in the US but it does in japan.

Being there I would attend a japanese language school to get my student visa and learn japanese. I also own my own business which I can operate remotely around 10/hrs a week for enough income.


*assuming I’ve worked out the logistics of all this over the next few months

Not being able to fully express myself like I can in english might make me feel alienated. But I already sometimes go an entire weekday without saying a single word until I see my family so the language barrier feels like a smaller concideration.
– in the same vein not being able to make friends.
If I’m not on vacation and spending money will I still enjoy it?

Why I dont want to take a gap year instead:
I’ve always been dead set on getting my degree and being independant as fast and efficiently as possible and I am on track to graduate from a state school in two years after high school. If I wait too long and my degree program changes two much this will likely add at least 1 semester to my bachelors degree. So why not try to kill two birds with one stone this way?

I’ve mulled this over for a few months already and my parents are supportive of this idea. I just want to hear any insight that yall have.

I am presented with an opportunity to finish high school in the US or finish it remotely in japan in the same ammount of time and effort. To me the answer feels obvious but I wonder if I’ve made any significant blunders.

by TonightRegular6687

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