Had My Altia Interview…

I did manage to get a second interview, but in the email I was sent after, the recruiter only said that my interview went fairly well, which honestly doesn’t sound that encouraging. In the interview, my energy level was a point of critique. I’m just naturally a very calm and humble type of person. He said he wants to see more energy in my demo video, and I’m just not quite sure how to achieve that the way they want. Any tips? This feels like my last avenue for an overseas job in the near future, so I really want to do well. Thank you for your help!

  1. Smile. Speak loudly and clearly. Your job is not to be a calming presence but a presence that infuses excitement into the classroom. They want teachers to make the students excited about being in English class. So, you have to be engaging and almost over act. When presenting or publicly speaking we think that we’re doing much more than we actually are. So don’t be afraid to be a little extra lol.

    Are you a Japan or bust kind of person? Or are you willing to teach elsewhere in Asia?

  2. They’re gonna be on you for not having enough energy daily there. Do you want to live like that?

  3. >I’m just naturally a very calm and humble type of person


    This is code for “boring person” or “shy awkward person”. Gotta have more energy if you want to succeed in this type of job. One of the most common complaints dispatch companies get is their ALT isn’t genki enough so the students don’t like them

  4. They want people who can act like entertainers, not English teachers. If you want to work in Japan, that’s what you have to understand. You’re not an educator. You’re there to amuse the kids and help them have fun.

    If you’re not into that, the job probably isn’t for you.

  5. Like others said, they don’t want teachers, they want entertainers. They’ll tell you multiple times in training that you’re not a teacher and not to act like it. Despite often being the main English teacher for most elementary schools k through 4th grade…

    But don’t worry, they’re desperate for competent people. Make an effort to be genki but only whats natural for you. It’s better to be shy than seriously awkward.

    And remember, dispatch work is poverty wages, always be working towards a goal.

  6. How long after the first interview does it take for them to tell you that you got a second interview?

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