Careful out there, almost got scammed セクハラ

Hello guys this is my first post here, and I wanted to write about how I think I almost got scammed. It’s very bizarre.

So basically I was on the keihin Tohoku on peak hours, the train was crowded and this high-schooler comes in, she places in front of me. I think nothing of it until the train starts moving and then she places her bag on the floor and completely bends over in front of me, and well, you know what parts of the body make contact, I thought this was an accident and just turn a bit to the side, without changing pose she turns with me, now I’m freaked, and this time I turned more notably, when I do this she stands up normally, and she leaves in the next stop.

I really thought this was really odd, because seku hara cases are 99% the other way around, so when I got to my share house I told the story to my housemate that has been living in Japan longer than me. And he told me he heard something similar before, as a way to trick people.

It works like this, on peak hours, 2 girls pick a target, for example a businesses man or a foreigner, one of the girls does the same thing that happened to me, if the target doesn’t do anything or says anything, on the next stop, the girl accuses the target of seku hara, the target obviously will deny it but her friend will corroborate it (something like, it’s true I saw it!) . Next, the girls threaten to tell the authorities, unless you hand some money.

What do you think? Have you heard about this before?

by Howl_XV

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