Providers of corporate DC (defined contribution) plans with low fees?

My company has a corporate DC plan (like ideco, but managed by the company) however all the funds in that plan have pretty high fees even for index funds, as compared to funds that are available through NISA etc.

Does anybody know any corporate DC provider companies that offer low fee funds?

by SunnyJapan

  1. Are you in a position to influence your company’s corporate DC provider?

    They’re all pretty similar to each other in terms of their corporate offerings from what I could find. None of them have eMaxis Slim. SBI Group’s offering does contain their VOO / VTI / VT wrapper funds though.

  2. Since October 2022, You’re free to opt to do *up to* ¥20,000 per month to iDeCo, should you prefer.

    But should you do iDeCo then you can no longer contribute to the DC. Your employer will still contribute to it though.

  3. My previous company used SOMPO, and it had ~two decent cheap index funds and then a bunch of nonsense.

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