Living through Japan’s hottest summer on record – BBC News

Living through Japan’s hottest summer on record – BBC News

  1. Look at the bright side: this is likely the coolest summer we’ll ever have from now on.

  2. Kishida doesn’t want to open the border because it’ll let too much heat out. He’s just doing us a favor!

  3. I lived in Tokyo from 2018-2020. Every summer was the record breaking summer. Not good.

  4. It is hot but places experience heatwaves all the time, not just Japan

  5. Lol old fogeys complaining about an electricity bill of 4000 for life-saving air conditioning…

  6. it’s been great for doing laundry! …………………………..and nothing else.

  7. Saw air conditioners at the store ranging anywhere from 50,000 yen to 300,000 yen.

    They also had window models and portable ones where you just pipe a vent out.

    Japan has the technology because people live in small spaces. Does it have the electrical capacity to avoid blackouts?

    Let’s find out on the next episode of aircon z!!!

  8. It’s usually hotter in August – so we’ve got that to look forward to

  9. God the people that do these articles. Where the fuck is “Sumide”? They referring to Sumida? Wouldn’t say it’s in northern Tokyo either.

  10. Climate change.. every year is getting worse.
    Doesn’t help that almost every building in Japan are poor **insulated** 🤪

  11. parrots going over and over again ” the coolest summer for the rest of or our lives “.

    Yet 150 years ago temperature was alike rofl.

  12. can we talk about how people STILL wear mask in this heat?? i know i shouldn’t be annoyed but when i walk outside i start sweating for free

    then i see someone in all black with a cloth mask just chilling like wtf how are you still functioning.

    a good portion of my planning before i go outside is deciding on an outfit to wear to minimize sweating so much

  13. Am I the only one feeling this is blown out of proportions? I mean – yes, it was hotter that usual for a June – but in general temperatures like that are not unheard of for Japan. If you read the news reports you could get the impression that summer was already over…

  14. I wonder how many more before they start giving warnings about not going outside during the day. I remember black flag days in Texas when I was in the military. The kind of weather where people get heatstroke in a very short time.

  15. A hot week in June is hardly the hottest summer on record. Heck I dont even call June summer, it’s Spring. This article is a little too early.

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