JR WEST train reservation – Need help!

Hey everyone!

For my upcoming first travel to Japan, I have purchased a Hokuriku Arch Pass via JR west website. But as soon as I proceeded to reserve the train, the website crashed.

I intend to take a train from Toyama to tokyo via a morning train- Hakutaka 564 on March 30.

Problem 1:

When I attempt to reserve at JR west’s website again, the last page asks me to enter my credit card details, hence asking me to pay. I can clearly see on Navitime that Hakutata 564 is covered by the
Hokuriku Arch Pass. There is no option to select any pass details.

Do I have to pay for this ride beyond the Hokuriku Pass?

Alternatively, I tried reserving via Smartex, but I am unable to locate the station of Toyama or the train Hakutata 564.

Problem 2:

Upon logging in at ekinet’s website for train reservation, I selected the desired train (timing, destinations), seats, etc.

It specifically asks me to select a counter for collection of physical tickets. But the pick up locations do not anywhere include Toyama or any nearby location. The pick up locations include places close to my destination like Tokyo/Ueno/etc.

(To set the context, I will be in Osaka Kyoto and Gero before arriving at Toyama)

How do I pick my ticket in such a situation?
Badly caught up. My research has led me to a deadlock. Would really appreciate some help here!

Thanks in advance.

by Zestyclose-Age-7113

  1. I’ll need to recheck in about 4 hours when the site comes back, but…

    1. Do not use SmartEx for this – they do not recognize your pass
    2. Do not use Ekinet for this – you did not buy your pass through them and whatever seat reservation you made may be considered invalid (I’m uncertain about this as I’ve heard of people who could pick up reservations using a pass that wasn’t from JR East).
    3. JR West (and all other online train systems) are down every day from midnight-5:30 AM or so.

    Also, you can pick up your Shinkansen ticket before you get to Toyama. You usually pick up any reservations you’ve made when you pick up your pass (or you can make reservations when you pick up your pass).

    I’m also going to say you probably don’t need the Hokuriku Arch Pass if you’re just doing Osaka -> Toyama -> Tokyo.

  2. I can’t really check because the system is offline for the night, but are you sure there isn’t a separate reservation system/page you are supposed to use on JR West’s website once you’ve purchased the pass, like how there is on Ekinet and for the nationwide JR Pass?

    You can’t use SmartEX because (A) it doesn’t cover the area you’re traveling and (B) it doesn’t recognize passes. It’s just for purchasing tickets.

  3. If the seat reservation process works like JR West handles their own passes, you have to use the “reservation lookup” option and enter the info from your confirmation email. When it pulls up the reservation details for your pass there will be a link to reserve seats. This info should be in the confirmation email.

    Edit: https://e5489.jr-odekake.net/e5489/ibsp/CBTopMenuSP?LANG=en

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