How does the PayPay app work?

Hey all. So this app has been just sitting on my phone for so long and untouched. How do you actually use it? Do you earn free stuff in it?

  1. You can collect points but for it’s just the best way to not worry about cash. Lots of small restaurants that only accept cash now also take pay pay. Makes sending people money easy too.

  2. Like a prepaid card that you can top up at a Convenience store or use like Venmo to pass money/ collect money from people that also have the app. Also it’s refunds you some cash that you spent using the app ( not sure what the % is though.)

  3. i’m still wondering why they won’t allow users to just charge their credit by credit cards..

  4. It’s convenient when going out for a walk or with the kids and don’t want to carry a handbag/wallet. As others noted, you earn points back with each use. (We don’t use a credit card for small, daily expenses.)

    We don’t connect our PayPay to our bank accounts, so adding money/topping up is done at 7-11 or Lawson. Doing this is really simple and fast – literally can be in, out, and done in less than 1 minute.
    **Select ATM top up in the app, scan ATM screen with your phone, type in code on ATM, add cash to ATM, done! Your PayPay account instantly has the new balance available.

    I also use it for bills that aren’t set up for automatic bank payment & would need a visit to the conbini. Nice to get a little back for paying a bill.

    Other good things:
    Can send the kids (& others) money to their PayPay.
    Getting out of the store quicker as CC & cash transactions take longer to complete.
    Earn points (money) back from online sites too.
    Monthly coupons for 5%-50% back.
    Points are either money added to your account or invested in a different section in the app

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