Entering country as a tourist before obtaining student visa?

I saw many similar threads on this, but none that are quite the same as my issue.

Paradoxically, my school issues CoE forms in mid January. School starts April 1st and between constantly having to mail additional info or making amendments, my CoE wasn’t applied for until early February. This leaves virtually no time for the CoE to arrive in time for me to enter the country by April 1st.

My question is, if my school permits it, is there any legality or immigration issues that prevents me from entering the country as a tourist, make it for entrance and orientation to be considered a formalized student, begrudgingly leaving after a month or two to return to my home country, getting my residency, then heading back?

I’m mostly concerned about saying I’m entering Japan for tourism and then doing non-tourism things.

by hyuunnyy

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