To advanced/fluent learners/natives, what are some Japanese youtube channels you enjoy watching that are intended for native Japanese audiences?

Looking for more legitimately entertaining Japanese YT channels to watch that are intended for a Japanese audience. I’m already subscribed to a lot of the more popular channels like 東海オンエア, but am curious which YouTubers you guys might recommend. I am explicitly **NOT** looking for channels aimed at learners. Thanks!

  1. If you’re into hip-hop, check out 凱旋MCBattle, 戦極MCBATTLE, or アドレナリンチャネル! All channels host rap/MC battles that are fun to watch. It’s a great way to get into some Japanese culture as it’s intended for natives, and if you don’t really understand what’s being said, many people make 字幕 versions. If you need some recommendations on where to start, I’m more than happy to give some.

  2. If you’re into gaming, ハヤトの野望 (Hayato no Yabou) is a hilarious YouTuber that plays (often janky) games in unintended ways. But he does some normal gameplays as well, like his current Ark series.

  3. たつろう does one man skits on stereotypes. They’re pretty addicting to watch.

  4. if you’re into fish and seafood, kimagure cook. You dont really have to be into fish or seafood tho, his vids are mostly interesting asf

  5. A channel called スーツさん. It is simply a guy who travels around japan using trains and tells you about different places / stops

  6. Sorry, I know you said good at Japanese people, but I still like to watch JP youtube even though I’m not good yet. Some of these have translated subs but you can obviously turn them on/off as required. They’re native intended, but some have a decent amount of foreign viewers.

    * SUSHI RAMEN (Riku) – That’s the channel name. He just does funny/stupid stuff.

    * Yuka Kinoshita – She does mukbang style videos. She eats, a *lot*.

    * りおレモン – izakaya and bar reviews, also on instagram in a rapid fire format. Likes lemon sours.

    * ウェザーニューズ – live weather, small talk from the hosts, presentations from the meteorologists, reading live chat comments, easy background listening. This one I find useful for easy to follow topics and practising trying to read short comments that line up with the conversation. Depending on the time zone/host this one can have too many foreign viewers that say annoying stuff in the chat, but you can just block them if they annoy you.

    * えふ / 2141F – this one is weird, they make songs from train announcements, worth watching once, or y’know, a lot…

    I tend to just search for stuff that I’m interested in in Japanese and watch whatever. There’s a few Taiko no tatsujin youtubers that I watch occasionally.

  7. 兄者弟者 is a pretty funny gaming brother trio(duo?). Especially their horror Playlist is pretty funny.

  8. Pretty famous, but キヨ、レトルト、牛沢、ガッチマン 😅

    The first person simulator and horror games are really good practice materials.

  9. Just look for channels about the stuff you enjoy already, but in Japanese.

    If you haven’t already done so, create a separate YouTube account specifically for Japanese immersion and start searching for stuff you enjoy in Japanese and you’ll start finding YouTubers who make stuff you’re interested in.

  10. If you’re into gaming, my favorite has to be キヨ. His let’s plays are the best I’ve ever watched, period.

    I highly, highly recommend you checking out his recent [Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild playthrough](

    Each episode was several hours worth of gameplay footage (I think he mentioned something around 6 to 9h?) *edited down* to a 1.5h video on average so, despite its length, it never gets boring. I actually love that the episodes are so long.
    Every episode was trending in Japan as soon as it got released.

    His editing style is funny without being over the top (he likes to make use of “perfectly cut” moments), he himself is funny as hell, he voice acts all the characters, gives constant commentary and is an
    all-around natural entertainer.

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