People on national insurance who visit family in the USA, what do you do about medical insurance?

I live in Japan and am on national health insurance but am a US citizen. I am heading home for a month this summer.

My current plan is to either

1. Risk it and go without insurance
2. Get a short term emergency medical plan e.g. travel insurance through something like World Nomads

As I get a bit older and am more risk adverse I’m more likely to go with the travel insurance route, but I’m curious if there are other options or ways of approaching such a trip given my Japan national insurance coverage. I’m guessing not but figured I’d at least ask! _I should point out that my retirement is all based in the US, so it’s my US based assets I’m interested in protecting_ – if I have a major accident and need to be hospitalized for a few days or whatever simply returning to Japan and ignoring US based medical debt isn’t an option for me.

I’ll also take any recs for travel insurance for the US, I’ve not shopped around yet but looked at World Nomads and it’s like USD$550 for a month for two people, not TERRIBLE but not exactly cheap either. I’d love to find something in the JPYÂ¥30k range ideally.

Thanks for your time and thoughts!

by kevysaysbenice

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