Does appearance matter for University jobs?

I have an MA, several publications but i have an ugly mug. I can’t seem to get offered a job, part time or other wise. Is it because I’m ugly?

  1. Do you have at least three refereed independent publications in the last five years, at least three to five five years of experience at least teaching university part-time, several academic references, university or academic society committee work, professional association memberships, some level of fluency in Japanese?

  2. HAve you triedgettingsome experience with something like WESTGATE? I know, people willprobably downvote this but it IS an easyway to get experience being in that environment and traching aclass. Even though it may all be from apre planned lesson itinerary, its better than nothing.

  3. MA communication major here. Unfortunately yes, but it can be overcome with respectful and strategic communication.

  4. Assuming your dress/grooming is professional (suit, shirt, tie, neat hair, clean/don’t smell), no.

  5. > Is it because I’m ugly?

    I’d say unlikely. Presentation could be a consideration if you’re getting knocked back at the late stage of interviews but it’s not as if all uni tutors are models.

  6. I know a guy with a face like a smacked ar$e who works at a university.

  7. I am on the hiring committee at my university. As long as you appear professional and presentable, your qualifications will outweigh subjective attractiveness. Most likely, it’s how you are presenting yourself in your CV and answering application questions.

  8. On a scale of Steve Buscemi to Macauley Caulking, what kind of damage are we talking about here?

  9. Your face needs to bring prestige to the university. You will still be a part-timer tough.

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