Electricity bill in new apartment

Hellp guys, this is my first time living in Japan I moved here about a month ago, so when I moved I setup my gas contract through Tokyogas and at the time I thought my electricity is bein provided by Tokyogas as well.

Fast-forward to now, I have received my gas bill and apparently electricity is not included, I guessed this means that electricity is being provided by another company.

My real estate agent said that he set up the electricity for me and maybe it’s TEPCO but he’s not sure he said he doesn’t remember.. and he didn’t even inform me that he set it up until I started asking questions.. Now I dont know what provider I have and I also don’t know how check..

I have not even received an electricity bill yet and I heard that they are supposed to be sent monthly, I am worried something is wrong and I should do something about it..

I tried signing up on TEPCO and when I tried to locate my contract they said that it doesn’t exist based on the information I provided, I am planning to call them tomorrow to ask more about this, but I wanted to also ask here maybe someone knows something.

Do you guys have any advice on what I should do?

by ThePirateKiing

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