Why would anyone buy real estate in Kawasaki/North Yokohama?

Sorry for the clickbait title.

I’ve been looking for apartments in this area, and it seems like it’s kind of a “hot” area right now, with a lot of new development and rising prices in Saiwai-Ku, Nakahara-Ku, and Takatsu-Ku (Kawasaki), as well as some parts of Kohoku-ku (Yokohama). The location is definitely convenient, close to central Tokyo, and has what looks to be some large-scale development in areas like Mushashi-Kosugi to revitalize it, so I get what the appeal is.

However, when I look at the [flood maps](https://kawasaki.geocloud.jp/webgis/?z=14&ll=35.503011%2C139.601686&t=roadmap&mp=149&op=66&vlf=-1) and the [liquefaction maps](https://www.city.kawasaki.jp/601/page/0000046739.html), I don’t really get how people choose their homes in (specifically) this area. It seems like you’d be at risk of getting flooded every year, with increasing risk due to climate change. I was hoping someone would let me know the mindset people have going into purchasing property in these areas, as well as helping me understand the risk mitigation builders (both home and large-apartment builders) are taking. (I don’t have a great understanding of how liquefaction risks are mitigated).

by rinsyankaihou

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