Watching the Oscars in Japan

Hello. I don’t know how many here would have an answer to this but it is worth a shot. I used to watch the oscars every year, however I haven’t since moving to Japan 2 years ago. I decided to try and catch them live this so I got a web subscription to WOWOW for a month. They have 2 seperate broadcasts. The live one is labeled as [同時通訳版] (Simultanious Interpretation version) and the the broadcast 2 hours later is labled [字幕版] (Subtitled Version).

Best case senario I would like to watch the ceremony live as if I was in the states. However I don’t know how invasive the interpretation in the earlier version will be. Will there be people speaking in Japanse over everything? In that case i would just sleep in 2 hours and watch the subtitled version.

Has anyone else watched the oscars or any other live international events here before and if so, can you tell me what the [同時通訳版] (Simultanious Interpretation version) is like?

Tahnk you so much for any help you can give.

by thelegendarybuttboy

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