Arrived in Japan at 22 and turned 30 this year. Should I be paying pension for years I was not a Japan resident ?

I moved to Japan when I was 22 for a full time Job. Since then I’m paying into the Japanese pension system but as I plan to retire here in Japan I wonder if I’m supposed to pay my pension contributions for those 2 years (20 to 22 yo) while I was not even a resident here. FYI I plan to pay to into the system till the normal 60 yo mark so that way I should be contributing for 38 years but since the website says that you need to pay for 40 years hence my confusion. Will not paying for those two years significantly lower my pension withdrawal amount at age 65? Is there even a way for me to pay for those two years now that I have been for 8 years already?


by gaijin-senpai

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