23-wards condos up by 36.7% in 2023? Why?

I was looking up some data for personal research on https://www.fudousankeizai.co.jp/, and if I understand this yearly report correctly, average sale prices in the 23-wards were up by over 30%. [Report](https://www.fudousankeizai.co.jp/share/mansion/578/TC8sh1gx.pdf)

I’m curious what could have caused such a dramatic increase. Surely it’s a combination of the weak yen and maybe Chinese investors? But a 36.7% increase in one year is shocking. Clearly wage increases have not kept up with real estate prices in recent years in Japan, so I’m extremely curious about who is buying these properties.

EDIT: I have made a graph of data that I found from this site (from 2007 onwards), and the spike from 2021 to 2023 looks insane).

EDIT2: a commenter made a post that this is year on year increase. Annual data can be found here https://www.fudousankeizai.co.jp/share/mansion/573/ss2023.pdf, which would actually be a 39.4% increase.

by rinsyankaihou

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