Curse Words (and their severities)

Does anyone have a resource that talks about Japanese curse words and their severities?

I don’t mean for this to be a little kid “heh, heh, let’s look up all the curse words” post, but it kind of is. =p

Specifically, I’m looking for a resource that teases out how severe or rude a particular word is. For example, in English, we have “soft” curse words like “dang” and “darn”, which some more prudish people might be offended by, but most people wouldn’t bat an eye about, even if said by a little kid or said in professional or formal environments. Then we have the “hard” curse words like the f-word, which would get most kids in trouble for saying and would quite possibly get an adult a visit with HR in the workplace.

Words like くそ are kind of an enigma, since I’ve seen them translated as softly as “shoot” all the way up to “damn” and probably even harsher. And then I even recently learned the word 糞ゲー (くそゲー), which means “trash game” or “crappy game”, which wouldn’t even be considered a “bad word” in English.

Add on top of this the fact Japanese has an even more formalized system of “politeness” than English has and it’s a little confusing.

Anyone know of anything to help me out? Thanks.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I’m not looking for info ONLY on くそ. I just used that as an example with lots of nuance and usages. But I’m looking for info on all of them (or at least the more common ones).

by samanime

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