Confused about tax implications on this year’s bonus payment from last year’s work

Hi! Did my best to find an answer to this in the subreddit but didn’t have any success.

Here’s my situation that I’m hoping someone can shed light on:
I moved to Japan at the end of January of this year with my US company. At the beginning of February, I “became” an employee of our Japan entity (but my job is essentially exactly the same). I’m currently getting paid in Yen and understand that I am a “non-permanent resident” currently for tax purposes.

My main question is regarding our annual bonus payment, which I should be receiving at the end of April. The bonus is paid for work done in the previous year (so, work while I was in the US). I’m trying to understand what makes the most sense as to:
1. where the bonus should be paid out (US or JP bank account)
1.5. What currency it should be in and
2. what my tax implications are given it was for work NOT done IN Japan (which I am not 100% if this matters, I’ve read conflicting information).

I just want to make sure I’m advocating for the most correct method of payment as I wouldn’t be surprised if my company tried to pay me in Yen just to save themselves some money…

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

by peaceandmadness

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