Move for a few months

It was always something I wanted, to work only for a few months (3-12months) in Japan. I love it at home in my homecountry, but on the same time I like it in Japan.

So, I’m Swiss, I did the JLPT N4 in december 2022 and my goal is to pass the JLPT N3 this year.

First: I already searched for work&travel, but it seems like there is no bilateral between Japan and Switzerland…

Second: But I read that there is a Work&Travel visa…?

Third: I curently work as Junior Cyber Security Engineer, but I know for this short term I can’t work as such. I learned baker in my country, but did not work since 2018 in this field anymore – so I don’t think I would have good chances for that.
What other jobs are there for a short stay? And how/where do you apply for them?

by Nekomana

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