Keeping my Japanese sim card/phone number once I’m no longer a resident?

I’m currently a resident with a 1 year visa and although I am planning to leave permanently after that, I do expect to be traveling back to Japan fairly regularly and it would be very useful if I could just keep my sim card running indefinitely so I can use it whenever I’m back. I’ve registered to LINEMO but considering I had to upload my residence card info and details on when my visa expires I’m kinda worried that they’ll just automatically cancel on me when it expires (or ask me to provide new visa information, which obviously I won’t be able to do).

Does anyone know if that is the case, or they won’t care as long as I am a resident at sign-up and keep making my payments? And if it is going to be an issue, are there any providers that I would be able to swap to before I leave that won’t mind if I don’t have resident status after that point?

by asagiirousagi

  1. Why would you even want to keep paying for a local SIM card just for your supposedly frequent future trips back when it’s so easy and cheap now to get a data eSIM from tourist eSIM sellers.

  2. You don’t really need to keep paying. Cheaper options: Just get a IIJmio data eSIM (which can be installed instantly) when you come the next time or a physical SIM sold at an airport vending machine. If you really want to keep the SIM, try IIJmio or OCN Mobile One.

  3. Change it to povo 2.0
    You can keep it at base cost 0 yen, + 330yen every 6 months.

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