What data points to banks use to determine whether to give a home loan or not?

Hi all,
I’ve searched through and found the odd mention but nothing consolidated. I want to know what affects a bank’s decision on whether to give a loan and if so what % loan.

Currently looking to buy in Tokyo (Meguro/Setagaya area) non PR non JP wife but with 10M income and 10 yrs of work here.

We’re looking at used houses and so far and I’m paying attention to the following.

– value of land (in central Tokyo to hoping this won’t be an issue)

– personal income (only looking at places 6000-8000 man so again hopefully not an issue)

– size of land? I’ve seen it mentioned on Suumo that if it’s under a certain amount you’d be ineligible for flat 35 loans

– anything else?

Thank you all

by AyamanPoiPoiPoi

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