Weekly Thread: Material Recs and Self-Promo Wednesdays! (March 13, 2024)

Happy Wednesday!

Every Wednesday, share your favorite resources or ones you made yourself! Tell us what your resource an do for us learners!

Weekly Thread changes daily at 9:00 EST:

Mondays – Writing Practice

Tuesdays – Study Buddy and Self-Intros

Wednesdays – Materials and Self-Promotions

Thursdays – Victory day, Share your achievements

Fridays – Memes, videos, free talk

by AutoModerator

  1. [文法ーCHECK](https://bunpo-check.com/) is a **Japanese AI grammar checker** I’ve been maintaining for free since Feb 2021.

    Just enter your Japanese text, hit チェック and any errors should be underlined! ✅

    This week, 文法ーCHECK had a massive update I wanted to let you all know about:

    * I added **explanations** for errors, to help give reasons for suggestions, which should be super helpful for learners!
    * You can **discuss** those explanations or other general questions about Japanese with the AI in a chat.
    * I added **tone checking** for casual/normal/keigo Japanese.
    * I added useful functions like Undo, Redo, Copy etc. which should especially be helpful for mobile users.

    That’s it! If you haven’t tried 文法ーCHECK before, give it a go. Be warned it can make mistakes sometimes, but it should be a useful study companion for many people here. If you’re already a user, hope you enjoy the new features.

  2. Hello, are you looking for an effective method to learn from anime?

    Then check out this example lesson from an unique scene in [Your Name.](https://www.bunshou.com/study/guests/3c20747a-d5c0-412f-aef5-3ac417886816) You can study key sentences and add flashcards for unknown words directly on the website.

    This week, I added the ability to create lessons directly from any youtube/tiktok/etc example: [Naruto lesson from tiktok.](https://www.bunshou.com/study/guests/2acce092-7019-4ed3-b0a8-e3e5d5f4e99b) See how it was made [here](https://youtu.be/acIJCKQUJ1A).


    Want to know more? Keep reading!

    I’m working on an app called bunshou where you can learn from extracts of your favourite anime.

    You can study from lessons already published by other users or make your own easily.
    – Emotions helps with retention.
    – Entertaining content gives more motivation to study.
    – Easily add what you don’t know to your spaced repetition system reviews.

    The more entertaining the more you learn, and this way words and patterns will stick in your brain.

    Lesson creation from youtube etc is simple, as shown [in this gifs.](https://youtu.be/acIJCKQUJ1A)

    I’m looking for contributors to get the website to the next level. Please [join the discord](https://discord.gg/69bpumG2) (new) if you’re interested.

    Thanks for reading.

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